Cervical and Breast cancer screening at Ipara, Ogun State
- Free Tests
- Free Consultation with skilled Health care workers
- Free Drugs for Treatments after Diagnosis

Breast Cancer is the most occurring cancer among women of reproductive age with an increasing incidence rate seen recently, while the second most occurring form of cancer among Nigerian women is Cervical cancer. In 2018, 31,955 cervical cancer cases were reported in West Africa with Nigeria accounting for almost half of the figure and 10,403 deaths. Current estimates also indicate that 12057 women are diagnosed every year with 7968 deaths resulting from cervical cancer.
It has been proven that early diagnosis is a potential factor in reducing the mortality rate attributed to these diseases, an effective method to aid this early detection and subsequent treatment is screening. Screening increases the chances of survival as it allows for the detection of diseases before the symptoms appear, and it has been discovered that most people do not present to the hospital for screening until symptomatic.
In May 2022 Graced Circle Health Initiatives partnered with the Chapel of Victory Medical team, Sagamu Ogun state for a free medical outreach at Ipara, Ogun state. We provided free screening and examination for cervical and breast cancer to women of reproductive age with exposure to the risk factors.
Health education was held at various sections all through the program, here we enlightened participants on risk factors such as early exposure to coitus, unprotected sexual intercourse leading to increased risk of infection with the human papillomavirus virus(a major cause of cervical cancer) family history, the importance of lifestyle choices, how to perform self-breast examinations and how often this should be done.
Consent is paramount to us, therefore every participant gave their consent to be screened and examined, this was also done under strict and appropriate procedures to provide privacy and confidentiality. Other infections noticed were treated appropriately, where prescriptions were given and referrals made to a tertiary clinic.
We had over 150 women who were screened and equipped with the right information for healthy living.
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